Category: Geen categorie

Caballo Xanthus underway to Mexico

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North Sea, 15/12/2011 – Last week Shipyard De Hoop has delivered the vessel Caballo Xanthus. This 3rd supplier of the De Hoop’s ‘KISS-design’ is now on its way to Mexico. Upon arrival the final components of a so called ‘mud-plant’ shall be installed and hereafter te vessel shall commence her contract in the Mexican Gulf.

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De Hoop launches 135 meter River Discovery II

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Tolkamer, 14/12/2011 – Today at 11:00 AM Shipyard De Hoop Lobith has launched the 135 meter river cruise vessel “River Discovery II”. This vessel is the first of a serie of three 135m vessels which have been ordered by Vantage Travel from Boston. Furthermore Vantage has a 110 meter vessel on order. The delivery of the River Discovery II (yardnumber 444) scheduled for next season. Link to film of the launch:

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Shipyard De Hoop raises flag for new order

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Tolkamer, 13/12/2011 – Shipyard De Hoop raises the flag for a new order. Their client Lueftner Cruises has ordered the 10th river cruise vessel (110 meter) from De Hoop. This is a special occasion as the total length of ships ordered by Lueftner now passes the kilometer-milestone. During this long relationship between De Hoop and Lueftner Reisen a successfull cruising concept has been developed. The new vessel will have a quite a few new design-features and with this shall be tailored to tomorrows demands in the cruising market.

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De Hoop Foxhol launches Caballo Genitor

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Foxhol, 26/11/2011 – At 10 AM this morning, De Hoop Foxhol launched the 4th KISS supplier, the Caballo Galiceno. The vessel, which is build under yard number 433 is planned for delivery in February next year.

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SBBA for Global Marine being assembled

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Tolkamer, 18/10/2011 – The assembly for the Single Block Barge Accomodation (SBBA) for Global Marine is in full swing at De Hoop Lobith. The block will be transported to Rotterdam in december where it will be fitted on the barge Smit Anambas, which is being converted into a cable lay barge.

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Caballo Xanthus launched

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Tolkamer, 17/10/2011 – at 9:00 AM today, the 67 meter platform supply vessel Caballo Xanthus was launched. This vessel, our yardnumber 432, is the 3th vessel De Hoop launches of the new KISS design. The vessel is being build for Oceanografia SA. de CV.

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Caballo Galiceno departs for Mexico

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Harlingen, 16/09/2011 – Today at 14:30 PM the Caballo Galiceno (yardnumber 435) has departed with destination Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico. With this De Hoop has delivered the second KISS supplier to Oceanografia. The next one (Caballo Xanthus) is under construction at our Lobith yard and scheduled for the end of this year.

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Caballo Xanthus well on it’s way

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Tolkamer, 06/09/2011 – The vessel Caballo Xanthus, our yard number 432, is well on its way. This platform supply vessel of the KISS design is fully assembled on the slipway and currently being prepared for the launching wich will take place in about 4 or 5 weeks.

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Don Daniel departs for Mexico

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Rotterdam, 4/09/2011 – The 105 meter diving support vessel Don Daniel, De Hoop’s yardnumber 429 has departed for Mexico. After the works finished at Shipdock Amsterdam, the vessel sailed to Schiedam where she picked up the 300 tons Huisman crane which was fitted in one and a half day. Upon arrival in Mexico the vessel shall start her first 5 year contract for the Mexican oil company Pemex.

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Don Daniel starts seatrials

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Rotterdam, 22/08/2011 – With the giant seahorse painted on the side the Don Daniel got quite some attention during her sail from IJsselmonde to the Europoort yesterday. Today this 105 meter Diving Support Vessel has started her seatrial programm. After this the vessel shall sail to Amsterdam where some final works shall be done whereafter the vessel shall be delivered.

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